The Science of Mind is the core teaching of Centers for Spiritual Living; it is a philosophy that integrates spiritual truths with science and physics.
Simply put, the Science of Mind teaches the unity of all life. Intentions and ideas flow through a field of consciousness, which actually affect and create the world around us. This idea is common to most major religions and is supported by the teachings of psychology and quantum physics.
In the Science of Mind, we believe that the secret to living a successful life is to consciously choose positive and productive thoughts. Put another way, “As you think, so you become.” It is the intention of Centers for Spiritual Living to use Science of Mind principles as a force for good in our world by transforming personal lives.
In the Science of Mind, we believe that the fields of religion and science are complementary, and that science will prove what the mystics have said for thousands of years about the nature of God, human beings, and the Universe. These beliefs are being proven even now by many quantum physicists who have found that the universe is made up of energy that cannot be destroyed and is infinitely intelligent.
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